SoftCompact® AM, SM

KIMO Sanftanlaufgerät SoftCompact

Here you will find a comparison of the technical details of KIMO ® soft start and soft stop series SoftCompact® AM and SM.

The products of these series are suitable for start attentuation (AM) and soft starters (SM, SM2) in the range 0.5 – 7.5 kW.
For the range 4 – 2000 kW there are the LEKTROMIK® S2 and SD2 series.

You can get an overview of the respective application areas of the product series in our general overview.

Start attentuation (AM) and soft starters (SM, SM2)

All products in an overview:
KIMO SoftCompact AM, SM

Available products:
Pointing Hand In the first (coloured) line, click on the application data you know. A selection of suitable devices is automatically displayed.
  Nominal device current Supply system Rated voltage Motor power
(at rated voltage)
Operating mode Number of controlled phases
    ≤ 16 A > 16 – 30 A > 30 – 190 A > 1­9­0 A 1/N AC 3 AC 2­3­0 V 4­00 V 2­00 – 4­80 V 1­10 – 5­00 V 2­20 – 6­90 V ≤ 7­,5 kW 7­,5 – 15 kW > 15 – 90 kW > 90 kW Soft start Soft stop Bra­king 1 2 3
2.2SM/­S230-16 KIMO soft start                              
2.2AM/­T400-16 KIMO soft start                              
5.5AM/­T400-16 KIMO soft start                              
1.1AM/­T230-16 KIMO soft start                              
3.0AM/­T230-16 KIMO soft start                              
1.1SM2/­T400-16 KIMO soft start                            
2.2SM2/­T400-16 KIMO soft start                            
5.5SM2/­T400-16 KIMO soft start                            
7.5SM2/­T400-16 KIMO soft start                            
0.5SM2/­T230 KIMO soft start                            
1.1SM2/­T230 KIMO soft start                            
3.0SM2/­T230-16 KIMO soft start                            
4.0SM2/­T230 KIMO soft start